Once You Know Us

Cheyenne and Traci Owners of Bathsheba Body Works


I’m Traci (Formulator/Sales) and my daughter and business partner is Cheyenne (Crafter/Manager). If you have ever met us while shopping at the store or visited us at our booth, we can be a bit of a comedy team because we think so differently, yet the same. She loves to authentically help and encourage people in their processes, and she loves to be alone, which to me is an oxymoron. I just want her to pick one or at least tell me which side of herself she’s feeling on a given day so I can know what role I”m playing . I can be a bit of a chameleon when I need to be, but my true shade is motivational, and upbeat. We are both creatives, and love nature, but she is more eclectic. The thing we are both hardwired to is ORGANIZATION. We are drawn to it like moths to a flame, we just approach it differently and that’s where our comedy act begins.

Here’s the thing though, it is both our diversity and loves that color every aspect of our company, Our work as missionaries drive our desire to create a product that meets a need, but we also want our self-care creations to be fun, and or give pleasure while using it. So, for example, our Stress Relief Balm is called “Do Not Disturb” (we were being clever), and the blend of essential oils used for the scent was crafted to make you want to find other reasons to indulge yourself…even when you aren’t stressed. That’s why we also promote its effectiveness at driving away pesky things like allergies and insects, thus the name.

Cheyenne requires that ideas for a product work as intended, and evoke a pleasing emotion while using it, well actually, we both require that, but Cheyenne pushes me into NEW comfort zones…enter “No Jito Mojito Butter Bombs,” a lime & peppermint, foaming eruption of moisture and detoxifying clays and salts (luxury in a tub). We choose alluring shapes, witty names, and inviting textures when formulating and designing products we believe you will love to use. Once You get to know us, you will see that we are a reflection of the fun you will have enjoying something natural, and organic. We would like to thank all of our customers for supporting us and sharing feedback. See you at the Cedar Lake & Crown Point Indiana Farmer’s Markets (2023)!


I Did A Thing Last Month