Some years ago, I was a volunteer giving foot baths at a non-profit event, that’s when I found I had an affinity for making feet feel good. A year later I transformed the sunroom of my home into a spa escape and offered various services to women as a ministry. One customer, and friend, asked if I made the products, I was using for foot services, to which I answered, no, but that was the moment the crafter in me awakened. In October 2012 I began making bath bombs, which was fairly new to those in my circle. I kept a green composition book, in which I dreamed of making various bath care products, lip balms and more. I created names and descriptions anticipating the day I could begin growing my product line, but that wouldn’t be realized until February 2021.

Fast forward to May 2020, I felt the call to put my hands to work again, but this time I was impressed to ask my youngest daughter, Cheyenne to join me. With an affirmative enthusiastic response, we decided we would begin with our trusted bath bomb formula and proprietary scents, but batch after batch failed.

 In July 2020, we received funding to operate as a business, but we still hadn’t figured out what or why we were bombing (pun intended).  This was extra frustrating for me because I hadn’t had this problem in 7 years of bomb making. We were at a standstill.

 As we approached November 2020, we knew we had to register our business, even though we hadn’t worked out the problem. As we began to discuss the name of our company, I pulled out my green composition book and offered, “Bathsheba Body Works”. Cheyenne agreed that should be the name, since the idea was born in me years before. Now all we had to do is make something that worked well.

 We started working on our business plan in January 2021, but when we had to get into the details of our product, we knew we had to figure it out, so in an effort to begin trouble shooting again, we bought a hygrometer to see if humidity was the culprit, and sure enough we had a humidity problem. Unable to solve it, we were stumped.  So, one night in February, after another failed batch of bombs, I sat up in the bed with my phone and started doing more research, what I found was a new direction that took our bombs to whole other level. Cheyenne listened to my presentation of new ideas and agreed, we would make “Butter Bombs” and eliminate the bomb bonding problem all together. As I considered the various applications of nut butters, the ideas continued flowing, so at the end of February, we ordered materials, organic ingredients, essential oils and let our creativity flow. The extra bonus was that we began using our products immediately and in no time, we were already seeing our skin transform. At the end of March, we setup two testing dates in our home, where friends and family would experience the product and complete our survey. Both testing dates were a great success and we received very useful feedback, which we have incorporated into our crafting to improve customer experience.

 We have only scratched the surface. My green composition book is full of awesome natural products that are just waiting to be introduced, and experienced by the masses.

 Cheyenne (Daughter)

When my mom first brought up the idea of me helping her with making bath bombs, I was all for it. It seemed to me that our hearts were on the same wave length, and even now they still are. I jumped head first into this venture with her and followed her lead. I have to admit I was more so excited about the idea of it, than the actual doing it. However, when we began to hit bumps in the road and our plans weren’t coming together, I panicked, thinking to myself, what did I let her get me into? But seeing her making the effort to figure out what to do next, and giving her best attitude even when I had already mentally given up; I found the courage to believe in what we were doing. I have a partner I can trust and depend on. We may have our ups and downs, but being able to watch her light up as she creates products that she knows people will love makes it all worth it. We are in this together and I thank God for that.